Saturday 8 September 2018




The moment they had landed on the planet,they knew that they had been duped.They had been promised lush green landscape,calm lake nestled in the cloister quiet gully where the mountain's reflection was painted,zen still atmosphere,where a legion of flies droned over the deep stomach of the unpolluted pond.But to their dismay their time machine stopped working and they were confined to 2015 on Earth-God’s spellbinding creation.The inhabitants of their neighbouring planet, who had been able to get a peek at it,described  a huge sapphire ball,shining blindingly,one of its kind habitat which was inhabited by creatures called humans.”oh!This is 21st century on Earth but we wanted to go five hundred years back”,”we have successfully landed on this planet”,the sound came out in a nasal tone .Although it was still blue ,that colour hid all the waste that lay at the bottom of the oceans.The green landscape disappeared and the air was anything but sweet.The little green men,or spiny insectoids were welcomed by the green saplings that crumbled under their feet.The smell of the forest was pulpy and the beauty of the forest comforted their hearts.Thus they took the leaf-carpeted path to explore the planet.When they walked out of the shady glades bidding the majesty of trees;they said that earth had indeed been heaven;but the earthlings said that it was the man’s greed which led to the present situation of the earth.
When they moved  to urban settlements,they realised something was really wrong.The aliens who were used to harsh climatic conditions were left gasping for their breathe in the polluted unserene atmosphere.They questioned who had stripped the earth bare of her natural resourses,drained her rivers,razes her mountains,eliminated the natural creatures which had roamed free in her forest!
“Only when the last tree has been felled, The last fish eaten,the last fruit consumed,then shall you realize that money can’t buy everything.The reports which the extraterrestrial beings had heard about the greed and selfish interests of man was proving to be shockingly true. The plentitude of cars and air-conditioners which left the air bereft of all natural elements and filled with poisenous gas or the rentless deforestation inorder to aid increased urbanisation was vividly present as they beheld the planet in front of their eyes.It leaves them increasingly disillusioned and they depart hoping to return at some better time during future.
The degenerated times that we have fallen into is the result of our own lack of responsibility and awareness. The earth is dying by inch. Man is just one of the millions of life forms existing on earth, albeit a very intelligent one .But this does not entitle him to interfere in nature’s law of ecological balance. A brief survey of pollution if done that will clearly show that man himself is responsible  for his doom. His insatiable greed and laxity are responsible for bringing things to such a pass. A development which bases itself on man’s harmony with nature is aptly called sustainable development .As man began to broaden the horizon of his knowledge,his greed sharpened and his destructive instincts began to take over.He used creatures weaker than he was for his tests in he moved from cultivation to industrialisation,his greed showed no signs of abating.He dug out coal from the bossom of the mother world and polluted her air.His race increased and spread out on more and yet more land,pushing the creatures to brink of extinction.Man is ruthlessly using the present resources jeopardizing the resources for future generation.We are always into thinking that someone else will save it.who is this “someone”?Hulk?Ironman?Or Captain Americe?These fictional characters are kept confined to our imaginations only.In reality we have to help ourselves.The time has come where”Hercules will not help unless you make some effort to help yourself”.
We are unable to protest when some teenager or adult carelessly flings waste on the road without waiting to come across a basket,because at some point we have commited to same crimes against nature and preservation .Every time a politician is on the stage giving his speech he thinks and pats his back with delight,”I gave a nice speech,hope  this would fetch me more votes”.IF GOLD RUSTS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO LEAD?The corruption has to be eradicated from core.Romantic poets like Keats ,Shelley,Wordsworth must have wasted their time  writing about the enigmatic and enchanted beauty of nature;which no more exists.We should act as single machine and perform all duties without pointing at others.The end is very near.When man finally began to use the”power of atom”to destroy millions of his kind,leaving large areas of land barren for barren for generations to come,he finally bagan to realize the enormity of what he had done.
 “Gosh!we are back to 2230,lets se what is there”.
The aliens were back to 2230 year.Man seemed bent upon hurtling towards his own destruction.His rage now turned against his own kind.Not that dawn would particularly brighten up the city-it is almost  dark now a days.The sky alternated between shades of dirty brown,grey and black.It synchronizes with the barrenness of the of the land and lifeless waters.They were silent.In their dreams they heard a bird singing,they saw a world filled with dazzling colours.They sank deeper and deeper to the oblivion.Then came a sound of thunder. A deep fissure came on the ground tearing the building down.The earth rose upwards and swallowed up the sky.
Nature’s revenge has just begun.
 on Earth-God’s spellbinding creation.The inhabitants of their neighbouring planet, who had been able to get a peek at it,described  a huge sapphire ball,shining blindingly,one of its kind habitat which was inhabited by creatures called humans.”oh!This is 21st century on Earth but we wanted to go five hundred years back”,”we have successfully landed on this planet”,the sound came out in a nasal tone .Although it was still blue ,that colour hid all the waste that lay at the bottom of the oceans.The green landscape disappeared and the air was anything but sweet.The little green men,or spiny insectoids were welcomed by the green saplings that crumbled under their feet.The smell of the forest was pulpy and the beauty of the forest comforted their hearts.Thus they took the leaf-carpeted path to explore the planet.When they walked out of the shady glades bidding the majesty of trees;they said that earth had indeed been heaven;but the earthlings said that it was the man’s greed which led to the present situation of the earth.
When they moved  to urban settlements,they realised something was really wrong.The aliens who were used to harsh climatic conditions were left gasping for their breathe in the polluted unserene atmosphere.They questioned who had stripped the earth bare of her natural resourses,drained her rivers,razes her mountains,eliminated the natural creatures which had roamed free in her forest!
“Only when the last tree has been felled, The last fish eaten,the last fruit consumed,then shall you realize that money can’t buy everything.The reports which the extraterrestrial beings had heard about the greed and selfish interests of man was proving to be shockingly true. The plentitude of cars and air-conditioners which left the air bereft of all natural elements and filled with poisenous gas or the rentless deforestation inorder to aid increased urbanisation was vividly present as they beheld the planet in front of their eyes.It leaves them increasingly disillusioned and they depart hoping to return at some better time during future.
The degenerated times that we have fallen into is the result of our own lack of responsibility and awareness. The earth is dying by inch. Man is just one of the millions of life forms existing on earth, albeit a very intelligent one .But this does not entitle him to interfere in nature’s law of ecological balance. A brief survey of pollution if done that will clearly show that man himself is responsible  for his doom. His insatiable greed and laxity are responsible for bringing things to such a pass. A development which bases itself on man’s harmony with nature is aptly called sustainable development .As man began to broaden the horizon of his knowledge,his greed sharpened and his destructive instincts began to take over.He used creatures weaker than he was for his tests in he moved from cultivation to industrialisation,his greed showed no signs of abating.He dug out coal from the bossom of the mother world and polluted her air.His race increased and spread out on more and yet more land,pushing the creatures to brink of extinction.Man is ruthlessly using the present resources jeopardizing the resources for future generation.We are always into thinking that someone else will save it.who is this “someone”?Hulk?Ironman?Or Captain Americe?These fictional characters are kept confined to our imaginations only.In reality we have to help ourselves.The time has come where”Hercules will not help unless you make some effort to help yourself”.
We are unable to protest when some teenager or adult carelessly flings waste on the road without waiting to come across a basket,because at some point we have commited to same crimes against nature and preservation .Every time a politician is on the stage giving his speech he thinks and pats his back with delight,”I gave a nice speech,hope  this would fetch me more votes”.IF GOLD RUSTS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO LEAD?The corruption has to be eradicated from core.Romantic poets like Keats ,Shelley,Wordsworth must have wasted their time  writing about the enigmatic and enchanted beauty of nature;which no more exists.We should act as single machine and perform all duties without pointing at others.The end is very near.When man finally began to use the”power of atom”to destroy millions of his kind,leaving large areas of land barren for barren for generations to come,he finally bagan to realize the enormity of what he had done.
 “Gosh!we are back to 2230,lets se what is there”.
The aliens were back to 2230 year.Man seemed bent upon hurtling towards his own destruction.His rage now turned against his own kind.Not that dawn would particularly brighten up the city-it is almost  dark now a days.The sky alternated between shades of dirty brown,grey and black.It synchronizes with the barrenness of the of the land and lifeless waters.They were silent.In their dreams they heard a bird singing,they saw a world filled with dazzling colours.They sank deeper and deeper to the oblivion.Then came a sound of thunder. A deep fissure came on the ground tearing the building down.The earth rose upwards and swallowed up the sky.
Nature’s revenge has just begun.
 on Earth-God’s spellbinding creation.The inhabitants of their neighbouring planet, who had been able to get a peek at it,described  a huge sapphire ball,shining blindingly,one of its kind habitat which was inhabited by creatures called humans.”oh!This is 21st century on Earth but we wanted to go five hundred years back”,”we have successfully landed on this planet”,the sound came out in a nasal tone .Although it was still blue ,that colour hid all the waste that lay at the bottom of the oceans.The green landscape disappeared and the air was anything but sweet.The little green men,or spiny insectoids were welcomed by the green saplings that crumbled under their feet.The smell of the forest was pulpy and the beauty of the forest comforted their hearts.Thus they took the leaf-carpeted path to explore the planet.When they walked out of the shady glades bidding the majesty of trees;they said that earth had indeed been heaven;but the earthlings said that it was the man’s greed which led to the present situation of the earth.
When they moved  to urban settlements,they realised something was really wrong.The aliens who were used to harsh climatic conditions were left gasping for their breathe in the polluted unserene atmosphere.They questioned who had stripped the earth bare of her natural resourses,drained her rivers,razes her mountains,eliminated the natural creatures which had roamed free in her forest!
“Only when the last tree has been felled, The last fish eaten,the last fruit consumed,then shall you realize that money can’t buy everything.The reports which the extraterrestrial beings had heard about the greed and selfish interests of man was proving to be shockingly true. The plentitude of cars and air-conditioners which left the air bereft of all natural elements and filled with poisenous gas or the rentless deforestation inorder to aid increased urbanisation was vividly present as they beheld the planet in front of their eyes.It leaves them increasingly disillusioned and they depart hoping to return at some better time during future.
The degenerated times that we have fallen into is the result of our own lack of responsibility and awareness. The earth is dying by inch. Man is just one of the millions of life forms existing on earth, albeit a very intelligent one .But this does not entitle him to interfere in nature’s law of ecological balance. A brief survey of pollution if done that will clearly show that man himself is responsible  for his doom. His insatiable greed and laxity are responsible for bringing things to such a pass. A development which bases itself on man’s harmony with nature is aptly called sustainable development .As man began to broaden the horizon of his knowledge,his greed sharpened and his destructive instincts began to take over.He used creatures weaker than he was for his tests in he moved from cultivation to industrialisation,his greed showed no signs of abating.He dug out coal from the bossom of the mother world and polluted her air.His race increased and spread out on more and yet more land,pushing the creatures to brink of extinction.Man is ruthlessly using the present resources jeopardizing the resources for future generation.We are always into thinking that someone else will save it.who is this “someone”?Hulk?Ironman?Or Captain Americe?These fictional characters are kept confined to our imaginations only.In reality we have to help ourselves.The time has come where”Hercules will not help unless you make some effort to help yourself”.
We are unable to protest when some teenager or adult carelessly flings waste on the road without waiting to come across a basket,because at some point we have commited to same crimes against nature and preservation .Every time a politician is on the stage giving his speech he thinks and pats his back with delight,”I gave a nice speech,hope  this would fetch me more votes”.IF GOLD RUSTS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO LEAD?The corruption has to be eradicated from core.Romantic poets like Keats ,Shelley,Wordsworth must have wasted their time  writing about the enigmatic and enchanted beauty of nature;which no more exists.We should act as single machine and perform all duties without pointing at others.The end is very near.When man finally began to use the”power of atom”to destroy millions of his kind,leaving large areas of land barren for barren for generations to come,he finally bagan to realize the enormity of what he had done.
 “Gosh!we are back to 2230,lets se what is there”.
The aliens were back to 2230 year.Man seemed bent upon hurtling towards his own destruction.His rage now turned against his own kind.Not that dawn would particularly brighten up the city-it is almost  dark now a days.The sky alternated between shades of dirty brown,grey and black.It synchronizes with the barrenness of the of the land and lifeless waters.They were silent.In their dreams they heard a bird singing,they saw a world filled with dazzling colours.They sank deeper and deeper to the oblivion.Then came a sound of thunder. A deep fissure came on the ground tearing the building down.The earth rose upwards and swallowed up the sky.
Nature’s revenge has just begun.

By kaushiki chakrabarty.

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