Wednesday 17 April 2019


Image result for gloomy night


Take a moment to dream of an underworld, because now there's time enough not to hurry,to light the lamp and open the window to the moon, because when the day starts it's business I'll have to stop. These are nighttime tales that vanish in the sunlight like vampire dust.

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.I was now going through the terrors of purgatory. The psychic power of my subconscious made me communicate with my past. It is said that every night, our dreaming astral body escapes the confines of the conscious world and enters a dimension where existence is timeless.In this dimension, we are all psychic. Once we are awake, these dreams baffle with us because we define ourselves as separate from others and see events through constructs of space and time, Some individuals have this special uncanny ability to enter the psychic fields of the dead. I knew nothing of this "mediumship" until this reckless incident demolished my life.In the practice known as mediumship, people known as mediums claim to be in touch with or even under the control of the spirits of the dead.One most popular mediumship known to be psychography involves trances where the dead allegedly write using the hands of the living medium.

Discontedly I left the book accusing it's unscientific "pseudo-ness" .So I placed the book in the shelf and hurried to sign out.The librarian was impatiently waiting for my departure.She sighed a relif when she saw me hustling towards her way.Her sulky face looked again and gain at the clock ,ticked at 9' 10.I could distinctly  hear my footsteps coming out.The place was dilapidated in it's kind,away from the shores of city."The night was a special kind of blackness,the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm blck that hugged me no matter what,and within its safety I could feel my own soul all the more clearly that innocent inborn spark".I had to catch the last train..The darkness often paralysing me with fear.

I heard the raucous mettalic, shriek heralding it's way to the station.I guess that should bring my heart rate down below the level of the"rabbit in a snare"but it does'nt.By my genes I am a predator.I have the front facing eyes and brain enough to hunt,but I feel like a prey of this dark.I for a moment glanced through  my watch again this time unable to conquer the haziness.Alas! I left my glass in the library.With low spirits I was about to board the train.To my blessing or curse,I found a compartment almost vacant.No sooner did the train start than moving than I leaped inside trhe compartment.Accomodating myself comfortably beside the window seat I plugged in my earphones.As usual there was hardly any network .I desperately wanted to connect my spouse.Though I travelled in the last train for a day or two today's darkness worried me. My imagination supplied with many beasts with fantastical jaws to lurk beyond the rang of my vision.Fifteen minutes to parkstreet station.I hysterically waited for the  fast arrival of the station.The numbness of the compartment was making me insidious from inside.I kept my hold ,constantly defeating my irrational fears away.I quite often biting my nail in anxiety.

I was gaing hopes in leaps and bounds that the next station was ParkStreet .But to my utter disappointment, the train interrupted in-between .Now this uncanny smell frenzied me and brought about a pukishness in my body.Strange! Everything was well and good just a while ago.This nauseating smell was dragging me lunatic!I sprung up and my predator mind searched for this weird onset of the strange 'metallic' smell.

What I saw next brought a chill down my spine. I was numb. I thought I would have a coronary.Even the coronary was far  away from the dreadful sight.My eyes still stealing glances at eachother.The blood spilled out all around the body separating the  head away from the body.It scared me to death! As if I was actually in a timeless dimension.The train ,me and the sinister apparition and all the darkness succumbing me in.I shouted, "I need redemption, help.".My muscles cramped ,unable to move forward ;I heard devil's voice.Very soon the flickering lights of the streets extinguished leaving me unstable.This was not the end of it. I could hear my heart pounding heavily when the dead started moving towards me.I cried to god," please move the train.Very soon I understood why this compartment was vacant.I still prayed to God fervently.

The tentacles of my fear took a hold of me.I pinched my self to ascertain; if I was hallucinating .The conscious part of mind displayed the hypothesis of a sinister but my conscious self mystified the view.these murky voices were spreading its reach to help themselves communicate its last wishes.


I bolted awake,shouting.
The room was bright .I was alone .The sharp smell of the medicinal alcohol hung in the air,and somewhere a machine pinged in quiet rhythm.I tried to move my arm, but a sharp pain restrained me .My pulse quickened ,and the machines kept pace , pinging more rapidly .The doctor came hurridly,when he got allerted by my racing heart moniter.Very soon  I picked up"Inject her with antidepressant, PATIENT NO:22 PPD".

My editor seemed absorbed in the contemplation of my tale.


by kaushiki chakrabarty.


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