Saturday 30 May 2020


Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. These are ...


COPING STYLE  refers to the propensity to  deal with the stressful events in a particular way.

  • COPING is defined as the thoughts and behaviours used to manage the internal and external demands of situations that are appraised as stressful.Coping has centain characteristics such as :   First the the relation between coping and the strssful event is dynamic.Coping is a series of transactions between the person who has a set of resources ,values and commitments with the particular stressful environment.Coping is not a one time action rather ,  but a set of responses occuring over time by which the person and the environment influence eachother .      
           second, emotional reactions ,including anger depression are a part of coping process.These are voluntary actions that your body takes to confront the event.

The following are the coping methods that we all often use in our dailylife:

Think of a situation that you are currently going through it may be the upcomig examinations or the lockdown situation, fight with your spouse ,any chronic ailment,or a bad breakup like mine e.t.c look at the methods that you use:(Few are positive few are negative methods)

1.Active coping

 I  have been concentrating my efforts about doing something about the situation.

I have been taking action to try to make the situation better.


-I have been trying to come up with a strategy about what to  do?

I have been thinking hard about what steps to take?

3.Positive Reframing 

I have been trying to see the problem from a different angle to make it seem more positive

.I have been looking for something good  in what is happening.


I have been accepting the reality of the fact that has happened.

I have been learning to live with it.

5.Humour( a kind of matured defence as well)

I have been making jokes about it

I have been making fun of the situation.


I have been trying to find comfort in  my religion or spiritual beliefs

I have been praying or meditating

7.Using emotional support

Getting emotional support from others

I have been getting comfort and understanding from others

8.Using instrumental support

getting advice and help from others

9. Self-distraction

I have been turning to work or other activities to take mind off things

Doing something like watching TV ,reading , daydreaming, shopping sleeping to think less about the stressful situations


I have been saying to myself that "this is not real"

Refusing to belief what has happened


I had been saying things to let my unpleasant feelings escape

I had been expressing my negative feelings

12.Substance abuse

Using alcohol or other drugs to help me get through it

13. Behavioral disengagement

I am giving up trying to deal with It

Giving up attempt to cope


Criticizing ownselfBlaming oneself for the things that has happened

15.Positive thinking and reframing
Spend a lot of time on having more positive attitude.Force yourself to become aware everytime you think something negative during a day .change and rephrase.Say I am beautiful and wonderful 200 times a day and restructure your negative mind.

Find your own coping style and comment below.---------------------------------X---------------------------X-------------------------------X---------------

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