Friday 5 January 2018

|| My Shadow Has A Strange Look About It || by kaushiki chakrabarty.

 My     Shadow Has A Strange Look About  It

“ Iguess we are all two people.One daylight ,and the one we keep in shadow”
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality,for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it  involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self –knowledge,and it therefore ,as a rule ,meets with considerable resistance. There are however positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one’s shadow .
“Everyone carries a shadow and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious  life , the blacker and denser it is “. As we find the portrayals of the shadow in : The joker in the dark knight, Mr Hyde in Dr Dekyll and Mr Hyde .
When I first look in the mirror after surgery, I was shocked when I saw my scars and drain tubes.My mind started casting doubt on survival and whether I would look normal again . When a girl is attacked by acid on face .It’s not only the face she has to cover , she has to cover all her ambition, dreams, thoughts, anger, pain everything for rest of her life. Because nobody understand and feel the pain everything and she can’t explain that too. People only see a burned and ugly face and find a chance to blame her for that in the name of karma.
I went outside for my first walk after surgery and I saw my shadow  on the side walk. Unlike  that reminded me of all things that were wrong, my shadow reminded me of all the things that were right. Although my  lovehated to see my yellowish discharge of pus from the affected areas, I remained firm. I was alive and still able to east a shadow on this Earth from that moment on I would battle only for positive thoughts.
Closer examination of the dark characteristics that is , the inferiorities constitution the shadow reveals that they have an emotional nature , a kind of autonomy , and accordingly an obsession , or better possessive quality. That is what gives me the strength of living even today facing all the odds of the society .The mirror no longer dedicated how I was doing ,So when you are able to go  for a walk look for your shadow , remember it’s there because you are here.
Conservative people of the society make the victims scarrier . Our society needs mature and progressive people who look and think beyond the mere physical appearance success is like your own shadow . . .If you try to catch it , you will never succeed . . .  Ignore it and it will follow you!
Then I thought most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.

---------- KaushikiChakrabarty.

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